Rehearsal details
Concert 1 – Orchestra: Friday, November 1, 2024
Charles Ives: Symphony No. 2 (3,2,2,3 with contra, 4,2,3,1, Timp +2, strings)
Charles Ives: They Are There! (2,2,2,2, 4,2,2.1, Timp +2, piano, strings, chorale)
Horatio Parker: Allegretto and Allegro non Troppo (strings)
Soomin Kim: The Blue Marble ( Timpani+3.strings
Rehearsal schedule
10/14 (Reminder: We are at South United Methodist Church…bring stands!)
Symphony mvts. 5, 2, 3, 1
(Times flexible, rehearsing big to small size for people to leave when we move on from one to another)
10/21 (Times estimates)
7:15 Blue Marble
7:30 They Are There!
7:50 Symphony mvts. 4,5; 1,2; 3
8:45 BREAK
9:00 Parker